August 3, 2023

Half Year 2023 Earnings

Analyst Conference



Access by chapters

  • 0:01:07
    1H23 Highlights, Thomas Buberl , Group CEO
  • 0:08:17
    1H23 Business Performance, Frédéric de Courtois, Group Deputy CEO
  • 0:16:47
    1H23 Financial Performance, Alban de Mailly Nesle , Group CFO
  • 0:34:02
    Conclusion, Thomas Buberl, Group CEO
  • 0:37:45
    Q&A Session


  • Half Year 2023 Earnings
    pdf 16.52 KB

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The podcast for this presentation will be available here. Should there be any incoherences between captions and podcast, the podcast will prevail. Moreover, subtitles are not corrected and any statement or number mentioned will be overruled by those enclosed in the latest full-year earnings.